Tuesday, 25 January 2011

What is life without goals?
A hand full of nothing if you ask me.
Where are you going? Why left and not right? Why today not tomorrow?

Goals give us the reason for lots of things and help us to put everything in perspective.
I decided today to prepare myself for my first Ironman (3,8K swimming, 180K cycling and 42,2K running).

I have installed a countdown timer. 529 days, 12 hours, 6 minutes and 59 seconds!
You think it’s too long! You have not seen me swimming!

The minute my wife reads this post she will scream CRAZY with all her lung capacity.
The fact is I am planning to do this and at the same time be a better, husband, father, brother, son, coach, friend, worker etc. etc (hey, I am not that bad nowadays … I just plan to get better).

How? You ask in awe … because your day is not going to get bigger!
Well, I believe that we tend to manage better what we have less.
It’s a fact that time is not abundant for me but I believe that I can organize myself to reach my goal. And I would like for you to be my witnesses … and who knows benefit a little bit with my trips and falls (there will be a few for sure). And of course I am counting with the incentives of all my friends and most important of all the support of my family … specially my wife that will be annoyed beyond words at the beginning … but in the end she will be there for me … like always!


RuiRuim said...

tou aí para ajudar no que for preciso!

Milton said...

"O sonho comanda a vida"
Força grande mister!